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Ministry of Justice
National Trade Register Office

January 19, 2025


sageata Working hours for the public at the desk-offices*
March 08, 2023

Monday – Friday:
09.00 – 13.00

*Pursuant to art. 26 of GEO no. 70/14.05.2020

During the two timelines, there shall be assured the disinfection of the space where the public working activity is carried out, as well as of the doorways and their accessories (doors, elevator etc.)


sageata Statistics October 2020
National Trade Register Office published the statistics drawn up on public interest criteria, based on the data from the computerised central trade register on 31 October 2020 … more details


sageata Draft normative acts in public debate
In compliance with art. 7 of Law no. 52/2003 on decisional transparency in public administration, as republished, the Ministry of Justice submits to public debate the Draft of the Order of the Minister of Justice for amending and completion of the Implementing regulations on keeping trade registers, carrying out registrations and releasing information, approved by Order of the Minister of Justice no. 2594/C/2008 … more details


sageata Announcement
16 July 2020

As a result of the amendment of Law no. 129/2019 for preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts by Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2020*:

  • any natural or legal person may request for information from the register of beneficial owners kept by the National Trade Register Office, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection without being necessary to demonstrate a legitimate interest;
  • the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner may have the form of a deed under private signature or an electronic form and may be sent to the trade register office without any other formality, by electronic means, with electronic signature or by post or courier services. The declaration on own responsibility may be also given in authenticated form, certified by a lawyer or given in front of the representative of the trade register office;
  • in case, upon incorporation, in the Articles of Association, are also included the identification  data of the beneficial owner/s and the way of exercising the control, it is no longer required the submission of the declaration on own responsibility of the beneficial owner/s;
  • if, after incorporation, the legal person requires only the change of the identification data of the beneficial owners and of the way of exercising the control, it shall not submit a modifying document of the Articles of Association, but it shall fill in the application for submitting the declaration on the beneficial owners, to which shall be attached the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner/s;
  • in case the legal person requires the registration in the trade register of the change of the Articles of Association, which implies, besides other changes, also the change of the identification data of the beneficial owner/s (ex. transmitting the equity shares and the parts of share capital, changing the members of the management and control bodies etc.), the modifying document of the Articles of Association shall also include the identification  data of the beneficial owners and the way of exercising the control and the updated Articles of Association shall be also annexed to it, and in this case the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner/s shall no longer be submitted.

*In the Official Gazette of Romania no. 620/15.07.2020, Part I, was published the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2020 on amending and aupplementing Law no. 129/2019 for preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts, for completing art. 218 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions and capital adequacy, for amending and supplementing Law no. 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code, as well as for completing art. 12 paragraph (5) of Law no. 237/2015 on authorizing and supervising the activities of insurance and reinsurance.


sageata Announcement
8 July 2020

Starting with the date of 9th of July, 2020*:

  • the legal persons formed only of partners natural persons, when these are the only beneficial owners are, are exempted from the obligation of submitting, upon incorporation or whenever a modification intervenes, the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner/s of the legal person, obligation from which, until this date, were exempted only the autonomous administrations, the national companies and companies fully or majority owned by the state (art. 56 paragraph (11) of Law no. 129/2019, as subsequently amended and supplemented);

In the absence of submission of the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner/s, together with the application of incorporation or, as appropriate, with the application for registration which implies the amendment/completion of the partners’/shareholders’ structure, as well as in case of the companies formed only of partners natural partners, when these are the only beneficial owners, registered in the trade register until the date of entering into force of Law no. 108/2020, the National Trade Register Office (NTRO) is obliged to fill in, ex officio, the Register of beneficial owners based on the documents accompanying the application of incorporation or based on the evidences held in case of the companies already registered, with data on the beneficial owner/s and the modality through which this quality is materialised;

  • SHALL NO longer be submitted the annual declaration, the legal persons still have the obligation of submitting the declaration on own responsibility on the beneficial owner/s, in case a modification of the identification data of the beneficial owner/s intervenes, within 15 days from the date when this intervened (art. 56 paragraph (4) of Law no. 129/2019, as subsequently amended and supplemented);
  • Within 12 months, the companies registered in the trade register until the date of entering into force of Law no. 108/2020, that have as partner/shareholders legal persons or shareholders/partners legal persons and natural persons submit, under care of the legal representative, for registration in the Register of beneficial owners kept by NTRO, a declaration on the identification data of the beneficial owners (art. 62 paragraph (1) of Law no. 129/2019, as subsequently amended and supplemented).

POn NTRO’s website, section Beneficial owners Methodological Instructions” are displayed  the Instructions on the filling in with the data of the beneficial owner/s and the way of materializing this quality in the Register of beneficial owners, in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 108/2020

*In the Official Gazette of Romania no. 588/06.07.2020, Part I, was published Law no. 108/03.07.2020 for amending and supplementing Law no. 129/2019 for preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts, as subsequently amended and supplemented.


sageata Announcement
3 July 2020

Starting with the date of 6th July, 2020, as result of entering into force of Law no. 102/02.07.2020 for amending and supplementing Law on companies no. 31/1990, as republished and subsequently amended and supplemented, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 583/02.07.2020, Part I:
- The declaration on own responsibility of the natural person/legal person regarding the quality of sole partner in only one private limited company is NO longer submitted (the dispositions of art. 14 of Law no. 31/1990 were abolished).
- The statement of own responsibility in authenticated form on respecting the conditions regarding the registered office is NO longer required to be submitted (the dispositions of art. 17 paragraph (4) of Law no. 31/1990 were abolished).
- There shall NO longer be submitted the endorsement on changing the destination of dwelling buildings with residential regime, stipulated by Law no. 196/2018 on the establishment, organization and operation of owners' associations and condominiums’ administration, as subsequently amended, in case there is not carried out any activity at the registered office. The administrator or, as appropriate, the administrators shall give a declaration on own responsibility in this regard (in compliance with art. 17 paragraph (6) of Law no. 31/1990, newly introduced by the Law no. 102/2020) only in the situation when the statement-form on own responsibility given on the grounds of Law no. 359/2004 is signed by the partners/shareholders/members.
Law no. 102/02.07.2020 for amending and supplementing Law on companies no. 31/1990, as republished and subsequently amended and supplemented


sageata Announcement
17 June 2020

The persons having the quality of accounting expert or authorised accountant may proceed to sending, mainly, through electronic means, the applications for registration in the trade register and of the supporting documents, only for the professionals registered in the trade register, based on the mandates on private signature, issued by the representatives of the professionals and granted in compliance with the contract for accounting services.

The applications sent through electronic means shall have incorporated, attached or logically associated the electronic signature issued under the conditions of the Law no. 455/2001 on the electronic signature, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

It should be mentioned that the mandate shall include the number and the registration date of the contract for accounting services.


sageata The triage at the entrance in the National Trade Register Office/trade register offices attached to the law courts
25 May 2020

In order to enter in the offices of the National Trade Register Office/trade register offices attached to the law courts are mandatory the epidemiological triage and the hands disinfection.
The epidemiological triage does not imply the registration of the personal data and consists of the following:

  1. measurement of the temperature through a non-contact thermometer (the registered temperature should not exceed 37,30C);
  2. observation of the respiratory signs and symbols (as frequent cough, frequent sneeze, modified general status).

In case the registered temperature exceeds 37,30C, it is recommended to repeat the measurement of the temperature after a period of 2-5 minutes of repose.
If it is determined the maintenance of the temperature over 37,30C or/and the presence of other respiratory symptoms, the access of the person into the building is not permitted.
If the registered temperature does not exceed 37,30C, and the person does not present other respiratory symptoms, the access into the building is permitted only if the person is accompanied by a person from the building and after the registration of the office/room/department where the person goes.

(Obligations established by the Joint order of the Minister of Health and of the Minister of Internal Affairs no. 874/81/22.05.2020 regarding the establishment of the obligation of wearing the protection mask, of the epidemiological triage and the mandatory hands disinfection for preventing the contamination with SARS-CoV-2 for the period of the state of alert)


H.G. nr. 3/12.01.2021 - on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 13th of January 2021, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic.
H.G. nr. 1065/11.12.2020 - on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 14th of December 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic.
H.G. nr. 967/12.11.2020 -
on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 14th of November 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic.
H.G. nr. 935/05.11.2020 -
for amending and supplementing the annexes no. 2 and 3 of the G.D.  no. 856/2020 on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 15th of October 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic.
O.U.G. nr. 192/2020 - 
for amending and supplementing the Law no. 55/2020 on some measures for preventing and combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as for amending letter a) of art. 7 of the Law no. 81/2018 on regulating the teleworking;
GD no. 856/2020
- from 14th October on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 15th of October 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic 
GD no. 782/2020 - on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 15th of September 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic
GD no. 668/2020
- on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory starting with the 16th of August 2020, as well as on the establishment of the measures which applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic
GD no. 588/2020 - on the amendment and completion of the annexes no. 2 and 3 to the GD no. 553/2020 on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory from the 17th of July, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 570/2020 - on the amendment and completion of the annexes no. 2 and 3 to the GD no. 553/2020 on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory from the 17th of July, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 553/2020 - on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory from the 17th of July, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 511/2020 - on the amendment and completion of the annexes no. 1 and 3 to the GD no. 476/2020 on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory and the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 476/2020 - on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory and the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 465/2020 - on the amendment and completion of the annexes no. 2 and 3 to the GD no. 394/2020 on the establishment of the state of alert on the Romanian territory and the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 434/2020 - on the amendment and completion of the annex 3 to the GD no. 394/2020 on the establishment of the state of alert on the Romanian territory and the measures applicable during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Joint order of the Minister of Health and of the Minister of Internal Affairs no. 874/81/22.05.2020 - on the establishment of the obligation to wear a protective mask, of epidemiological triage and mandatory disinfection of hands to prevent contamination with SARS-CoV-2 virus during the state of alert
Decision of the Romanian Parliament no. 5 of May 20, 2020 for approving the state of alert and the measures established by the Government Decision no. 394/2020  -  on the establishment of the state of alert and the measures applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations no. 24 of May 14, 2020 - on the approval of the establishment of the state of alert nationally and of the measures to prevent and control the infections, in the context of the epidemiological situation generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
G.E.O. no. 70/2020 - on the regulation of some measures, starting with May 15, 2020, in the context of the epidemiological situation determined by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, for the extension of some deadlines, for the amendment and completion of the Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, of the Law of national education no. 1/2011, as well as of other normative documents
Law no. 55/2020 -  on some measures for preventing and combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
GD no. 394/2020 - on the establishment of the state of alert and the measures applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of COVID 19 pandemic


10 April 2020
Taking into consideration the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance no. 38/2020 on the use of documents in electronic form at the level of public authorities and institutions, it should be specified that the procedure of registration of the professionals in the trade register may be realised online through the services portal, which can be accessed directly by using the address
For accessing the  services available online, the natural and legal persons have to use a qualified electronic signature (based on a qualified digital certificate), except for the online service InfoCert, through which may be obtained online certificates of status  and/or releases of information from the trade register, without an electronic signature, by using a Visa or Mastercard bank card.
The National Trade Register Office accepts all the qualified digital certificates issued by the qualified trust services providers from the EU member states, in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU). The list of these services providers may be accessed at: and at
DAlso, the applications addressed to the National Trade Register Office and to the trade register offices attached to the law courts and the documents submitted in their support, having incorporated, attached or logically associated the extended electronic signature, may be also sent by electronic mail and the e-mail addresses of the trade register offices attached to the law courts are available on the webpage of the National Trade Register Office,, section Contact, item NTRO Network (Rețeaua ONRC).



Debutant entrepreneurs
These facilities are granted to persons who have never been partners or shareholders in an enterprise set up in the European Economic Area and start businesses ... find out more

Facilities granted for students who want to set up their own business in compliance with GD nr. 166/2003. In compliance with the provisions of GD no. 166/2003, students ... find out more


Customer relations
Tel.: +40213160817 /18/24
Fax: +40213160829 
Recom online
Tel.: +40213160817 /18/24 extension 206, 207
Mass - Media
Tel.: +40374463966
E-mail for the electronic receipt of the copy of identity card:
Information on enterprises in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services - Single Digital Gateway
IBAN Accounts

The legal fee may be paid cash or by bank card at the pay desks of the trade register offices as well as by post order or by payment order ... details 

NACE (National Classification of Economic Activities) – represents the acronym used for appointing the national statistical classification of economic activities from Romania. 

  NACE Nomenclature
Useful links    


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